
Mario Pérez

European Low Energy accelerator-based Neutron facilities Association – ELENA
ESS Bilbao

October, 15. 9:30

Executive Director of ESS Bilbao, a public consortium of Central and Basque Governments; bringing knowledge and added value in particle accelerators and neutron scattering science and technologies; by leveraging Spanish in-kind contribution to the European Spallation Neutron Source, in Lund (Sweden). Once in operation, ESS will be the brightest neutron source in the World.

+20 years of cross-functional international experience in programme and operations management. An outstanding track record of success across a broad range of projects and programs spanning from government to private industry in Algeria, Chile, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and UK.

He is also an advocate of the so called HiCANs (Hich Current Compact Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources) and currently the Chair of the ELENA<> (European Low Energy Accelerator-Based Neutron Facilities Association). ELENA promotes the cooperation within Europe in the field of neutron sources based on an accelerator and a low energy reaction to produce neutrons.

Before joining ESS Bilbao, he was mainly involved in Fusion Energy R&D programmes. He held the role of Project Coordinator at WPENS (Work Package Early Neutron Source) Project within EUROfusion Consortium. Prior to this he was Director of the PMO at IFMIF/EVEDA (Japan) seconded by CIEMAT, a Public Research Agency at the Ministry of Science & Technology.

Member of the European Commission delegation representing the European Atomic Energy Community in the IFMIF/EVEDA Project Committee of the Broader Approach activities; from October 2019 till September 2023.

Permanent Expert to the Spanish Council Delegation of ESS ERIC; since May 2018.

Vice-Chair of the F4E PCC (Procurement and Contracts Committee); since January 2022.

MSc Engineering degree in Electronics and Industrial Automation by University Carlos III of Madrid and in Industrial Management at EOI (Spanish School of Industrial Organization); Executive MBA at IMD Switzerland.