October 17. 10:05
Dr. Sandra Cabeza, Aerospace Engineering specialised in structural materials by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Sandra has developed her carreer at the national centre of metallurgy CENIM-CSIC (Madrid -PhD 2013) and at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin (BAM). Since 2017, she is co-responsible of SALSA strain diffractometer at the European Neutron Source Insitute Laue Langevin in close collaboration with the Industrial Liaison Unit. For the past 8 years, Dr Cabeza has focused on the characterization of metal additive manufactured materials by neutron methods, challenging established hypothesis and proposing a new generation of in-situ experiments. She has leaded and contributed to ISO standards, European and industrial collaboration projects such as Brightness2, EASISTRESS, INNOVA-XN, ESA -GSTP, etc.